Founded in 2010, SlipChip Corporation's goal is to make challenging laboratory measurements easy to perform, affordable and accessible across a wide range of environmental settings.
SlipChip is developing sample to answer solutions that enable physicians and other health care providers to easily and economically get actionable information at the point-of-care in both domestic and global settings. SlipChip is a microfluidic technology that allows one to encode complex and massively parallel manipulations of fluids into a microfluidic device, and execute those manipulations without the use of complex equipment. Applications of SlipChip in quantitative measurements of nucleic acids and proteins, and cultivation and analysis of the microbiome have been published.
Additional information on that research can be found at:
Dr. Rustem Ismagilov
Co-founder and Board Member, SlipChip
Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology
Blavatnik National Award Finalist 2015
Recognized for chemical and biological applications of droplet based microfluidic devices
Dr. Ismagilov’s interdisciplinary lab group develops new approaches to study complex chemical and biological networks, and has pioneered microfluidic technologies that address global health challenges. Awards recognizing this work include the National Academy of Sciences Cozzarelli Prize (2007), the NIH Director’s Pioneer Award (2007), and the ACS Award in Pure Chemistry (2008). He was elected a fellow of the American Academy for the Advancement of Science in 2010.