Alexander Pechen
2009 Regional Award Winner — Post-Doc

Current Position:
Federal Professor of Mathematics, National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Head, Department of Mathematical Methods for Quantum Technologies, Steklov Mathematical Institute/Academic Secretary of the National Committee-Mathematicians of Russia
Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences / National University of Science and Technology MISiS
Theoretical Physics
Recognized for: Discovering that it is possible to develop a single, unified mathematical treatment for a wide range of open system control phenomena
Areas of Research Interest and Expertise: Physics, Quantum mechanics, Quantum control, Quantum technologies, Quantum information, Open quantum systems
- Ph.D., Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
- M.Sc., Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
The focus of Alexander Pechen’s research is quantum control, which is control of atomic, molecular and nano-scale systems by shaped laser pulses and other external actions. Currently, quantum control is attracting much attention as a topic of fundamental interest in manipulating systems on the atomic scale and because of its many existing and prospective applications in atomic and molecular physics, chemistry, quantum technologies, quantum information, nuclear physics, and other fields.
In 2005-2010, Dr. Pechen worked on a variety of topics in quantum control in the group of Prof. H. Rabitz at Princeton University, where his research was distinguished with the Blavatnik Award for “developing a single, unified mathematical treatment for a wide range of open system control phenomena.”
Soon after receiving the Blavatnik Award, Dr. Pechen was granted the Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship of European Commission and spent two years in the group of Prof. D.J. Tannor at the Weizmann Institute of Science. During those years, his research was centered on the analysis of quantum control landscapes and control of open quantum systems – atomic and molecular systems that interact with their environment.
Dr. Pechen continues working on this topic at the Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, where his research was honored by Award of the Moscow Government for Young Scientists in Mathematics, Mechanics, and Informatics for “outstanding results in theory of quantum control”. In addition to research work he carries a range of administrative duties as Academic Secretary of the Institute.
"The control of open quantum systems is highly important for applications since real controlled atoms and molecules almost always significantly interact with their environment."
Key Publications:
- Pechen A. Engineering arbitrary pure and mixed quantum states. Phys. Rev. 2011
- Pechen A, Tannor DJ. Are there traps in quantum control landscapes? Phys. Rev. Lett. 2011
- Pechen A, Rabitz H. Teaching the environment to control quantum systems. Phys. Rev. 2006
Other Honors:
Professor of Russian Academy of Sciences
2014 Award on IV All-Russia contest for media innovations in nomination "best TV / Radio broadcast"
2014 Award of the Moscow Government for Young Scientists in Mathematics, Mechanics, and Informatics
2012-2013 Presidential Stipends for Young Scientists and Postgraduates Carrying Out Promising Research and Development in Priority Economic Modernization Fields
2011-2013 Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship
In the Media:
Are there traps in quantum control landscapes? QUAINT 2012 Workshop. April 30, 2014
Some topics in dynamics and control of quantum systems (in Russian) in the broadcast «Moscow. Territory of science» on radio station «Echo of Moscow» (broadcast is organized jointly with Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of Moscow). May 29, 2014.