United Kingdom Awards: Nomination Materials & Instructions


The nomination package for the Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the UK contains the following documents:

  1. Nomination Form

  2. Rationale for Nomination

  3. Curriculum Vitae

  4. Research Summary

  5. Professional Service and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

  6. Full-text Publications and/or Patents

  7. Letters of Recommendation

Full details and requirements for all nomination materials are provided below.

All nomination materials should focus on the nominee’s independent career. A nominee’s “independent career” encompasses any research or work performed as an independent research scientist. In most cases, this work will have been performed after a postdoctoral appointment or doctoral thesis has been completed. For further guidance, please contact us at BlavatnikAwardsUK@nyas.org.

Nomination Form

Required information includes the nominee’s name, title, contact information, and disciplinary category, as well as the nominator’s name, title, and contact information.

Rationale for Nomination

A statement from the institutional nominator that explains why the nominee has been selected by the institution. This should detail the nominee’s strong record of significant independent scientific contributions, early career success, and promise of sustained or accelerated progress in the future. Max. 200 words.

Approval of Age Limit Exception

For nominees born prior to 1983, the nominator will be required to upload the official notification letter from the New York Academy of Sciences confirming approval of the age limit exception by the Blavatnik Family Foundation.

Approval of Re-nomination of Past Finalist


For re-nominated Past Finalists who have been approved by The Academy, the nominator will be required to upload the official notification letter from The New York Academy of Sciences confirming approval of the re-nomination.

Curriculum Vitae

(Label file: LastName_FirstName-CV.pdf) CV Format Example

It is strongly encouraged that nominees follow the format shown in this example CV to ensure that all required information is included.

There is no page limit for the CV, but we appreciate using as few pages as possible to encompass the required information.

The following information must be included in the nominee’s CV:

  • Name, current institution(s), and position title

  • Education and training, including postdoctoral training, fellowships, and/or residency. Please include names of previous advisors.

  • Employment history

  • Honors and awards, including granting organization and years in which they were received.

  • All peer-reviewed publications from independent career: List only published work or manuscripts in press authored during independent career

    • Do not include manuscripts that are submitted or in preparation, or those published during graduate or postdoctoral studies.

    • Conference abstracts and proceedings should only be included if they are the primary way of disseminating new results in the nominee’s field, such as in computer science and mathematics.

  • Select patents & patent applications, including patent title, 1-2 sentence synopsis, and year submitted/approved.

  • Research grants:

    • List funding for the main ongoing and completed projects on which the nominee is a PI or a co-PI.

    • Include name of funding mechanism, funder, and amount

    • For grants on which the nominee is a co-PI, include total amount of grant as well as amount awarded to nominee

  • Scientific Leadership, including any significant roles in the greater academic community. This includes major editorial responsibilities, public outreach activities, conference organization, institutional administrative responsibilities (e.g. Department Chair, departmental committee) and service on external committees. Please list these in the CV, and elaborate on them in the Professional Service and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement.

  • Invited talks and lectures, listing notable invited talks from the nominee’s independent career, including keynote addresses and named lectures, with year given and inviting organization/institution.

Research Summary

The research summary should:

  • Be written in the first person by the nominee;

  • Describe up to five of the nominee’s most significant scientific contributions and research accomplishments from their independent career;

  • Be written to be accessible to another scientist working in their overarching disciplinary category (e.g. Life Sciences) but not in their specific field of study (e.g. Neuroscience);

  • Include key results, their impact on the nominee’s field of study, and the nominee’s specific role in the described work (especially where the nominee is involved in large collaborations);

  • Exclude information about the nominee’s positions, awards, and service activities, or other information contained in the CV.

One figure illustrating the most significant results is allowed. Citations and figure caption do not count toward the word limit. Max. 1,000 words.

Professional Service and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

The nominee is required to submit an open-ended statement (maximum of one page) describing their outreach activities and/or professional service, with particular focus on activities and service related to increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the scientific community. Topics to discuss include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Teaching and Mentoring: Commitment to teaching and mentoring students, especially those of broadly diverse demographics and/or social backgrounds;
  • Collaboration and Leadership: Involvement or leadership in committees, task force groups, professional societies, and organizations;
  • Service, Engagement, and/or Outreach: A record of community engagement or outreach activities (e.g. volunteer activities, communicating science to the public, etc.);
  • Research: Current and/or planned research relevant to underserved populations or inequalities, or issues relevant to DEI, such as race, gender, sexuality, health disparities, human rights, educational access, ability, etc.

Key Publications and Patents

Full-text published papers or filed patents representing the nominee’s best work (four publications maximum). Each publication should not be larger than 10MB. Work published by the nominee during graduate or postdoctoral training will not be considered. Papers must be published or in press—submitted manuscripts will not be considered.

Letters of Support

Letters of support should:

  • Be a maximum of two pages, single-spaced, and uploaded as PDF files.

  • Indicate how the letter writer has become acquainted with nominee and their work/research.

  • Describe the nominee’s most significant research contributions and explain their importance to the nominee’s research area. If applicable, describe the nominee's role in any large collaborations.

  • Assess the nominee’s accomplishments in comparison with those of his or her peers at the same career stage.

  • Focus on the nominee’s scientific accomplishments during his/her independent career and omit the details of the graduate and postdoctoral work or information typically included in the CV, such as positions and awards.

We recommend that nominees petition Letters of Support from individuals who are experts in the nominee’s discipline, field, or sub-field and who are intimately familiar with the nominee’s most significant and important research contributions during their independent career.

Further, it is strongly advised that both Letters of Support be prepared by individuals external to the nominating institution, and that have not previously served in the capacity of immediate advisor to the nominee.

Nominators will be prompted to provide the names and email addresses of two letter writers during submission of the nomination materials. Letters of Support must be submitted by the letter writers through the online nominations portal by June 17, 2024. Letters of Support are confidential—neither the nominator nor the nominee will be able to view the contents of the letters.


Nominations must be submitted using the online nomination system between Wednesday, April 3, 2024, and Wednesday, June 5, 2024, 11:59PM BST.

Candidates for the Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the UK must be nominated by their institutions— self-nominations are not allowed.

Each institution may submit up to three nominations, one in each disciplinary category of Life Sciences, Physical Sciences & Engineering, and Chemical Sciences.

Requests for age limit exceptions must be received by the Academy by May 8, 2024. We strongly encourage institutions considering nominating candidates born prior to 1983 to contact us at BlavatnikAwardsUK@nyas.org as early as possible during the nomination period. Requests must be approved by the Blavatnik Family Foundation before nominations of candidates born prior to 1983 can be submitted.

Official Institutional Nominators

Institutional nominations must be submitted by the institution’s Vice Chancellor, President, Pro-Vice Chancellor, or equivalent (or their official designee). The Blavatnik Awards team must be informed of the identity of an institution’s official nominator. Newly-invited institutions, or institutions whose designated nominator has changed since the 2024 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the UK, must send a brief statement to BlavatnikAwardsUK@nyas.org naming their official designee as nominator before submitting nominations.

The nominator must create an account in the nomination system by clicking the ‘Register’ button on the nomination system front page. The nominator will receive an automated email to verify his/her email address. Nominators may use their accounts created in previous award cycles as long as the email addresses linked with these accounts remain active.

Online Submission Instructions

Nominators with verified accounts may log into the nomination system and begin the nomination process by clicking the ‘Create New Submission’ button. Partially completed nominations may be saved by clicking ‘Save and Continue Editing’ or ‘Save and Exit’ and accessed later until the nomination is submitted or the submission period closes.

To complete a nomination, nominators must:

  1. Fill out the Nomination Form:

    • Enter the nominee’s information: institution, name, email address, phone number, title, department, address, date of birth, and disciplinary category.

    • Enter the nominator’s information: name, title, institution, email address, and phone number.

    • Enter the Rationale for Nomination.

    • Upload all supporting documents (CV, Research Summary, Professional Service and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement; Publications/Patents, and if applicable, approval of age limit exception).

    • Confirm the validity of the nomination: check the box to agree to the statement of confirmation, “By checking the box below, I confirm that this nominee represents one of up to three institutional nominations for the 2025 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists in the UK, and has the full support of my institution.”

  2. Request Letters of Support:

    • Enter the names and email addresses of two letter writers.

    • Letter writers will receive an automated email with instructions on uploading their letters.

    • Letter writers must upload letters of support by 11:59PM BST on Monday, June 17, 2024.

    • Once both letters have been uploaded, the nominator and the nominee will receive automated notifications.

  3. Submit the Nomination:

    • Once the Nomination Form is complete, all files have been uploaded, and Letters of Support have been requested, the ‘Submit’ button will be activated at the bottom of the nomination page.

    • This button must be clicked to submit the nomination before 11:59PM BST on Wednesday, June 5, 2024.

Once a nomination has been submitted, the nominator will receive an on-screen confirmation notice and an automated email, which is also sent to the nominee.

Nominations may not be edited after submission; however, nominators may view the nominations and check the status of the letters of support by logging into their accounts. If you discover any issues with the nomination after submission, please contact us at BlavatnikAwardsUK@nyas.org.


For general questions about nomination procedures, please consult the Frequently Asked Questions page.

For all other inquiries, please contact the Blavatnik Awards team at BlavatnikAwardsUK@nyas.org or +1 856-399-2700.